And I shouldn't be blogging right now. I have a bazillion things to do at work. Job is amazingly wonderful as usual, so thankful to work with incredible people and have brilliant clients. So I am sure they will understand this 10 minute break to clear out my brain.
Where have I been? A few things...
1.) One of my best friends in the world has cancer. Again. My friend Meg fought it for the past two years, was free of it for about eight months and then the damn freakin' tumor came back. BUT lots of good news around even this type of situation. She had surgery Friday to remove the tumor and it went really well and she is already home. We raised over $15k to fight NF (the genetic condition she has that lead to the cancer) in the
Baltimore Cupid Undie Run , where she was the first place fundraiser and I was the second. My amazing friends and teammates have been sending her cards and packages since her surgery -- and they don't even know her! Their kindness is overwhelming and inspiring. AAANNNNNNDDD the day Meg had surgery I scored us MORRISSEY TICKETS IN BALTIMORE! For June. So there's that.

2.) The Land of Dating - I apparently am continuing on my quest to find the biggest liars and crazy men out there to date. Latest?? This one is a winner. Guy I have known for two years, in the middle of his training to become a SECRET SERVICE AGENT... we decide to try again at the whole dating thing. Have a date last weekend, goes really well, start the flirty flirty thing again and guess what I come across doing my own simple google search? HIS WEDDING WEB SITE. Yep. Engaged. And he lied about it straight to my face. Best part about being in my position in the whole thing is I could just tell him to go f*** himself (in those exact words) and walk away. I just hope he is honest with his finance. I reached out to her passively, but it's not my life. Not my drama. I need a man who bikes anyway. Love this book by the way --
Going Solo: The Extraordinary Rise and Surprising Appeal of Living Alone
3.) Oh-- and did I mention I am training for a Marathon?? Yeah. That has kept me a bit busy. Did my first 20 miler last weekend. Many thanks to my awesome friend (you know who you are) who got me through it. March 15 is the big day. I am feeling good. No injuries, no real soreness. Just fatigue. And I can fight through fatigue. And dammit I want this on my car already:
4.) I'm bipolar. Come on. Did you really expect consistency?
Labels: bipolar, cancer, Cupid, dating, marathon, run