Please come cheer me on in my first full marathon. The cut-off is supposed to be very strict, so going to need all the help I can get. I am determined to finish the thing.
Race is Saturday, March 15, 2014. Start time is 7:30 am, but there are 25,000 runners, so I am estimating I won't cross the start line until at least 7:50, since I am in the slowest group.
You can find a whole course map here. If it comes up weird, just select DC and FULL marathon. I put little location notes on my estimated splits below so you can come find me.
ASSUMING I get across the start line by 7:45 am, I should JUST make the second cut off at mile 18 and miss the third at mile 22. So there is a distinct possibility that they will come try and put me in some sag car. But I will not go! If I am that close, I live here. This is my city. I know the course and I will just get on the sidewalk and go for a run on my own. So what if they don't give me a medal.
Metro or bike will be best way to get around. Don't drive. It will be a mess. I will need the most help after mile 18 or so. If you are especially awesome, come meet me around mile 21/22 where I think they could try and stop me from finishing because of cut-off.
I am HOPING they aren't super strict on the cut-offs. From the time I am estimating I should be just about 17 min over the maximum time.
Kinda makes me mad that cut-offs are based on time of day, and the slowest pace groups go last -- so we actually have the least amount of time to hit them. Oh well. I can fight for the rights of back of the packers later. Until then, I have a marathon to finish.
Labels: cheer, DC, marathon, support, team z